Sunday, 24 February 2013

Azog's Hunters Sample Army

So this is a simple army that I could build if I decided to do Azog's Hunters.

Army List:

Warband One:


4 Hunter Orcs, 4 Hunter Orcs with 2-handed weapons, 4 Hunter Orcs with Bows
Hunter Orcs

Warband Two:

Fimbul with Fell Warg

6 Warg Riders:
2 with Bow, 2 with 2-handed weapons, 2 warg riders

6 Fell Wargs.

Hunter Orcs on Fell Wargs

In total this force is 493 pts. It can be built using only 2 clamppacks and 3 boxes, so it is pretty good in my thinking. Bolg gives you a big beatstick and is supported by his 12 Hunter Orcs. Meanwhile Fimbul can race off with his fast moving warband of Wargs and Warg Riders. Seems pretty good to me.

Erebor, Goblin Town, Azog's Hunters

so, people. If I was to start collecting a themed The Hobbit SBG army from one of the three above, which one do you think would be best (competitivly)?
Please respond in the coments thingie below.

The Hobbit SBG Erebor Dwarf Army

So I really like the look and feel of The Erebor Dwarves from The Hobbit, so this is my attempt at building a well rounded starter list:
Part 1:

The first thing we need is a good solid base of warriors. In the Army of Thror list only two types are available:
Dwarvish Warriors of Erebor
Warriors of Erebor
For the first time ever we now have access to Dwarf Warriors with spears. Making a shield wall with a hero in the middle and a supporting line of spearmen seems like a pretty viable first and second Warbands.

And Grimhammers
Grim Hammers

Next we have the grimhammers. These are more elite dwarves with their Pickhammers. The one bad side to the Grimhammers is that they have one less point of Defense than a normal dwarf warrior, but their defense is still high enough. The purpose of my warband of Grimhammers is to roam around the flanks and backs of my sheildwalls as support. One warband of 12 Grimhammers led by a powerful hero should be enough for the job.

Part 2:

Currently for dwarves we have 4 named heroes and 1 unnamed hero.
Dreadknight 360Dreadknight 360Dreadknight 360Grim Hammers CaptainThror, The Last King Under the Mountain

So we have 2 Dwarf Sheildwalls and 1 roving Grimhammer Warbands.
Together this all comes in at a total of 348pts, leaving us another 350pts for heroes. to start with we need two powerful heroes that can hold the line against hordes and monsters. Grandfather and Son team Thror and Thorin seem up for the job. And just for a little extra insurance, I added Orcrist to Thorin. These 2 weigh in at 250 points between them, so that leaves me with another hundred for my last Hero for the Grimhammers. Looking at the list I instantly choose Dwalin, as for one, he kicks ass, and two, he once was a Grimhammer so he fits in with the theme perfectly.

The List

Warband One


6 Dwarf Warriors with spears, 6 Dwarf Warriors with Shields

Warband Two

Thorin with Orcrist

6 Dwarf Warriors with spears, 6 Dwarf Warriors with Sheilds

Warband Three


12 Grimhammers

Total: 693pts.

This army is going to be outnumbered by a lot of other armies, as at 700pts, most evil armies could bring a large swarm of grunts, a powerful hero and a monster. The main tactic this army then needs to use is to form a large Shieldwall with spearmen for support with Thror and Thorin somewhere in the middle of it. Use the grim hammers as a support unit to guard the flanks from fast moving Warg Riders, or to hold the line if the enemy breaks through the shieldwall.This is just one type of army you could try and I might start to collect Erebor Dwarves (maybe :P)

High Elf 400pt Army

So this is my current High Elf 400pt army.

The Whole Army.

Army List:

Warband One:

High Elf Captain with Sheild (proxied warrior with sheild and spear)

8 High Elf Warriors with Elf Blades

4 High Elf Warriors with Elf Bows

Warband One

Warband Two:

High Elf Captain (proxied Galadhrim Captain)

2 High Elf Warriors with Spears and Shields

5 High Elf Warriors with Elf Blades

4 High Elf Warriors with Elf Bows

Warband Two

As you can see, some of the models are still being painted, and I still can't get command models at my store cos i can't be bothered ordering them. So I use proxies. This army is 395 points and is pretty powerful for its size. The one bad point of this army is the low number count. many evil armies sre going to outnumber this army 2:1 in a points match.

So what am I going to do next?
Well, if I continue with this army I think it could benefit from Elrond or Gil-Galad, as everybody loves tricksy elf characters. I would also get some proper command models as this army would really benefit from a banner.

Thats all for now!


Welcome People!

I don't know how many veiws I will get, but oh well.

This Blog is going to be about my army building, games, painting etc of Games Workshop's The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game. I collect elves, specifically from Rivendell and Mirkwood, but I also wish to start building a new army with the new models for The Hobbit.
