Sunday, 24 February 2013

High Elf 400pt Army

So this is my current High Elf 400pt army.

The Whole Army.

Army List:

Warband One:

High Elf Captain with Sheild (proxied warrior with sheild and spear)

8 High Elf Warriors with Elf Blades

4 High Elf Warriors with Elf Bows

Warband One

Warband Two:

High Elf Captain (proxied Galadhrim Captain)

2 High Elf Warriors with Spears and Shields

5 High Elf Warriors with Elf Blades

4 High Elf Warriors with Elf Bows

Warband Two

As you can see, some of the models are still being painted, and I still can't get command models at my store cos i can't be bothered ordering them. So I use proxies. This army is 395 points and is pretty powerful for its size. The one bad point of this army is the low number count. many evil armies sre going to outnumber this army 2:1 in a points match.

So what am I going to do next?
Well, if I continue with this army I think it could benefit from Elrond or Gil-Galad, as everybody loves tricksy elf characters. I would also get some proper command models as this army would really benefit from a banner.

Thats all for now!

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